Monster Hunter Wilds monster list and unlock order

Published:2025-02-27T19:01 / Source:

A large hairy bear monster attempts to eat a Hunter in Wilds

The monster list in Monster Hunter Wilds is stacked, filled with creatures that range from fan favorites to completely new monsters to the franchise. Each of these monsters have an assigned difficulty, and you’ll encounter some in the game’s lower ranks, while others you’ll need to hunt into the high ranks to discover.

In this Monster Hunter Wilds guide, we’ll walk you through a full list of Low Rank monsters before showing you the High Rank monsters you can fight once you roll credits.

[Ed. note: This guide contains the names of all major story missions in Monster Hunter Wilds, as well as the monsters you’ll fight in them.]

All Low Rank monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds

A giant frog creature attempts to eat a Hunter in Wilds

Below, you’ll find a list of Low Rank monsters, all of whom you’ll encounter during the Monster Hunter Wilds campaign (although we’ve removed any monsters that you can’t technically hunt in Low Rank but encounter during the story).

In the table below, you’ll find the name of each monster next to their in-game difficulty level, the main story quest where you’ll first encounter them, and the habitats the in-game journal says they can appear in.

MonsterDifficulty levelUnlock requirementNatural habitats
Chatacabra1 StarChapter 1: Desert Trotters Windward Plains
Quematrice1 StarChapter 1: Village of Whispering WindsWindward Plains, Ruins of Wyveria
Lala Barina1 StarChapter 1: Forest FindingsScarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Congalala1 StarChapter 1: Forest FindingsScarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Balahara1 StarChapter 1: A Hunter’s PrideWindward Plains
Doshaguma1 StarChapter 1: A Hunter’s PrideWindward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Uth Duna2 StarChapter 1: A Feast in the DeepScarlet Forest
Rompopolo2 StarChapter 2: Toward Fervent FieldsOilwell Basin
Rey Dau2 StarChapter 2: The Eye of the StormWindward Plains
Nerscylla2 StarChapter 2: Hopes of HomeIceshard Cliffs, Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Hirabami2 StarChapter 2: Hopes of HomeIceshard Cliffs, Ruins of Wyveria
Ajarakan2 StarChapter 2: Long-forgotten FlameOilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Nu Udra3 StarChapter 2: Long-forgotten FlameOilwell Basin
Guardian Doshaguma3 StarChapter 3: The Faithful KeepersRuins of Wyveria
Guardian Rathalos3 StarChapter 3: The Faithful KeepersRuins of Wyveria
Guardian Ebony Odogaron3 StarChapter 3: Full CircleRuins of Wyveria
Xu Wu3 StarChapter 3: Full CircleRuins of Wyveria
Guardian Arkveld3 StarChapter 3: Broken ChainsRuins of Wyveria
Zoh Shia3 StarChapter 3: Monster HunterRuins of Wyveria

High Rank monsters list in Monster Hunter Wilds

A Hunter fights a large chained dragon in Wilds

Below, you’ll find a list of High Rank monsters. Most of these creatures are upgraded versions of their Low Rank counterparts, although there are a few brand-new monsters that are only available in High Rank.

In the table below, you’ll find the name of each monster next to their in-game difficulty level, and the habitats the in-game journal says they can appear in. We’ve also included the hunter rank where we first started encountering them in-game, although it’s possible you could encounter some of these monsters earlier, depending on how your map populates.

MonsterDifficulty levelHunter Rank requirementNatural habitats
Yian Kut-Ku4 StarHR 8Scarlet Forest, Iceshard Cliffs
Chatacabra4 StarHR 10Windward Plains
Quematrice4 StarHR 10Windward Plains, Ruins of Wyveria
Balahara 4 Star HR 10Windward Plains
Congala4 StarHR 10Scarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Lala Barina4 StarHR 10Scarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Hirabami4 StarHR 10Iceshard Cliffs, Ruins of Wyveria
Nerscylla4 StarHR 10Iceshard Cliffs, Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Rathian4 StarHR 10Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Oilwell Basin
Gypceros4 StarHR 10Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, Windward Plains, Ruins of Wyveria
Rathian4 StarHR 10Oilwell Basin, Scarlet Forest
Rompopolo4 StarHR 10Oilwell Basin
Doshaguma 5 StarHR 10Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria
Ajarakan5 StarHR 10Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Blangonga5 StarHR 10Iceshard Cliffs
Rathalos5 StarHR 15Scarlet Forest, Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Guardian Fulgur Anjanath5 StarHR 20Ruins of Wyveria
Xu Wu5 StarHR 20Ruins of Wyveria
Guardian Ebony Odogaron5 StarHR 20Ruins of Wyveria
Guardian Doshaguma5 StarHR 20Ruins of Wyveria
Guardian Rathalos5 StarHR 20Ruins of Wyveria
Gravios5 StarHR 32Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria
Jin Dahaad6 StarHR 32Iceshard Cliffs

The list is currently a work in-progress, and we’ll add the remaining High Rank monsters after we locate and fight them.

Before fighting these creatures in Monster Hunter Wilds, see our specific guides for monsters like Doshaguma, Lala Barina, Nu Udra, Guardian Rathalos, Rey Dau, and Ajarakan. Or learn how to capture monsters.

