Pokémon Go is wrapping up the season with a “Max Out: Finale” event that runs from Nov. 27 until Dec. 1.
The event features a ton of bonuses, including a halved egg hatching distance, bonus XP from raids, and an increased remote raid pass limit.
It also debuts Galarian Corsola, who can also be found shiny, if you’re super lucky. The original Johto Corsola is a regional Pokémon, so if you’re missing it from your Pokédex, grabbing a Galarian Corsola will fill in its entry.

This event also concludes the “Galar Calling” Special Research.
Below, we list out all the perks and bonuses for Pokémon Go’s “Max Out: Finale” event, along with details for the paid Timed Research and event ticket.
Is the Max Out Finale ticket for raid bonuses worth it?
For $10, you’ll get the following for the duration of the event:
- Five free raid passes from spinning gym discs every day
- 5,000 bonus XP for raids (in addition to the event’s bonus 5,000 for a total for 10,000 XP per raid)
- 3 additional candy per catch in five-star raids
- 1 additional candy XL per catch in five-star raids
If you plan on raiding every day, then yes, this ticket is worth it for the raid passes alone. If you’re not planning on raiding Zacian, Zamazenta, Regieleki, or Regidrago, then its value decreases. Only buy this ticket if you plan on going hard in the raids.
Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event Timed Research and reward
For $5, you can grab a ticket for this Timed Research. Is the “Determined Pose” Timed Research set worth it? Unless you want the pose, the rewards and encounters you get for the event don’t seem to be anything special. As a reminder, you’ll only get the pose as a reward if you complete the research before the event ends on Dec. 1 The research task set is as follows:
“Determined Pose” step 1 of 1
- Spin 5 PokéStops or gyms (Smoliv encounter)
- Catch 10 Pokémon (5 Razz Berries)
- Hatch an egg (Passimian encounter)
- Catch 15 Pokémon (3 Pinap Berries)
- Win a raid (Falinks encounter)
Reward: 2,500 XP, 1,000 Stardust, Determined Pose

Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event Collection Challenges
The following Collection Challenges will be live throughout the duration of the event:
Max Out Finale Collection Challenge 1
- Catch a Grookey
- Hatch a Galarian Slowpoke
- Catch a Skwovet
Rewards: 3,000 XP, 1 Silver Pinap Berry
Max Out Finale Collection Challenge 2
- Catch a Scorbunny
- Hatch a Galarian Ponyta
- Catch a Skwovet
Rewards: 3,000 XP, 1 Silver Pinap Berry
Max Out Finale Collection Challenge 3
- Catch a Sobble
- Hatch a Galarian Zigzagoon
- Catch a Skwovet
Rewards: 3,000 XP, 1 Silver Pinap Berry
Max Out Finale Collection Challenge 4
- Hatch a Galarian Corsola
Rewards: 6,000 XP, 3 Rare Candy
Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event Field Research and rewards
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Catch 10 Pokémon (Hatenna encounter)
- Hatch an egg (750 Stardust)
- Hatch 3 eggs (Morpeko encounter)
- Spin 10 PokéStops or gyms (Sewaddle encounter)
Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event boosted spawns
These Pokémon will spawn more frequently during the event period:
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Skwovet
- Wooloo
- Falinks
- Hatenna
Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event egg hatches
These Pokémon have a chance to hatch from any 7 km eggs obtained during the event:
- Galarian Meowth
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Farfetch’d
- Galarian Corsola
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Darumaka
- Galarian Yamask
- Galarian Stunfisk
Pokémon Go ‘Max Out: Finale’ event raid targets
The following changes to the raid schedule and Max Battle schedule will take place as part of the event:
One-star raids | Three-star raids | Five-star raids | Mega raids |
Grookey | Galarian Weezing | Zacian | Altaria |
Scorbunny | Falinks | Zamazenta | |
Sobble | Regieleki | ||
Regidrago |