Fights in Tight Spaces and 5 other great deck builders are $20 at Humble

Published:2025-02-25T12:45 / Source:

A screenshot from Fights in Tight Spaces

Making an efficient little machine out of nothing but cards is a great feeling. If you agree, then head over to Humble, where you can get a diverse collection of six deck builder games worth $149 for just $20 on Steam. Each game shares similar roguelike qualities, but with their own unique spin on the genre. This includes the inventory management of Backpack Hero, the medieval tactics of Ash of Gods: The Way, or the Mad Max-style death races of Death Roads: Tournament. This bundle also includes the co-op deck builder Hellcard, fantasy RPG Hadean Tactics, and my personal favorite, Fights in Tight Spaces. This deal lasts through March 7.

Fights in Tight Spaces might just be the best John Wick game that doesn’t feature John Wick. Dropped into a series of rooms full of nasty-looking dudes, you, playing as a sharp-dressed agent, must use your cards to keenly maneuver and dispose of the bad guys. As you progress, you’ll be awarded different decks that represent different fighting styles, like grappling or knife-fighting. The Complete Edition included as part of this bundle also throws in the Weapon of Choice DLC, which features a Gunslinger deck armed with a pistol.

A screenshot from the Weapon of Choice DLC for Fights in Tight Spaces

Humble always sends a portion of each sale to benefit a nonprofit — in this case, your purchase will support the ESA Foundation, an organization that provides scholarships to young game developers. You can use the “Adjust Donation” drop-down menu to fine-tune how much goes to the publisher, the charity, or Humble.

