The Light Chamber is a puzzle you’ll find in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s Gizeh during “The Idol of Ra.” After solving the Resonance Chamber puzzle, you’ll make your way through an Underground Cave System — the Ancient Caves. Then comes a lot of photography and whip-swinging, before you reach the Light Chamber puzzle.
Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guide will show you how to solve the Light Chamber puzzle.
How to start the Light Chamber puzzle
As part of the “Idol of Ra” main story adventure, you’ll have to solve the Resonance Chamber puzzle in the Chamber of Resonance. That will drop you into the Ancient Caves.

As you continue, you’ll find several murals and cressets to photograph. Use those to lead you through the caves.

Eventually, you’ll come to a mirror in front of a closed door. Point it at the disk to the right of the door to open it.
The next room you come to is the Light Chamber.
Light Chamber solution
The disks on the wall ahead of you look complicated, and they kind of are. What you’re looking at is three locks down the center (you can ignore these for now) and six symbols on the sides. Those are what we’ll focus on first. To solve the Light Chamber puzzle, you’ll need to get three beams of light to work with, so that’s where we’ll start.
Light Chamber left door solution

When you start the Light Chamber puzzle, you only have one beam of light. If you look at the door on your left, the symbol on it matches one of the symbols on the wall — the one in the top right.

Point the mirror at that one, and head through the door that opens.
Follow the rooms around to the right until you reach another mirror. Point the beam through the gap in the collapsed doorway and it’ll hit another mirror in the main room.
Head back to the main room.
Light Chamber right door solution
With a second beam of light, we can now combine symbols on the wall.

Look at the door on the right side of the room to find the next symbol(s).

Back at the mirrors, point the beams at the top left and middle right disks to open the door.

Inside, follow the rooms around to the right to find a mirror on the ground. Don’t place it in the pedestal here, though.

Instead, that it back to the main room. Just to the right of the puzzle wall, there’s an open doorway. Inside is another pedestal, this one with light above it and a clear line back to the main mirrors. Place the mirror and point it back at the final mirror in the main room.
Three-Eyed Gate combinations
With all three beams, you can now start solving the locks on the door — each of which are made up of three symbols.

The top lock needs you to point beams at the top left, bottom left, and middle right.

The middle lock is made of the middle left, bottom left, and top right.

The bottom lock is middle left, middle right, and bottom right.
On the other side, you’ll have even more tunnels to explore until you reach the Ancient Abyss and (eventually) find the Idol of Ra.
For more Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guides, here’s where to find the “Bright Future” chest code.