Pokémon Go is kicking off the festive season with part one of its yearly holiday event from Dec. 17-22 — called, suitably, “Holiday Part 1.”
The event also features two pretty good bonuses: doubled XP from catching Pokémon and halved hatch distance for eggs put into incubators during the event. Shiny Sandygast also makes its debut during this event, alongside a special Dedenne in a holiday outfit.
Below we list all the perks and bonuses for Pokémon Go’s “Holiday Part 1” 2024 event.
Pokémon Go ‘Holiday Part 1’ event Timed Research and reward
If you complete this research before the event ends, you’ll get a special reward. The research branches between two choices: helping Spark or finding Sierra. If you help Spark, you’ll focus more on ice-type Pokémon and you’ll get an Alolan Vulpix. If you look for Sierra, you’ll focus on fire-type Pokémon and you’ll get a shadow Kantonian Vulpix.
Which branch should you pick, Spark or Sierra? It largely doesn’t matter. If you like collecting shadow Pokémon, you may want to grab the Shadow Vulpix from Sierra, but neither versions of these Vulpix (nor their evolutions, Ninetales) are used for any meta, so it doesn’t particularly make a difference.
Pokémon Go Holiday Part 1 Timed Research step 1 of 3
- Catch 10 fire- or ice-type Pokémon (10 Great Balls)
- Spin 5 PokéStops or gyms (Bergmite encounter)
- Explore 2 km (Sandygast encounter)
Rewards: 1,000 Stardust, 1,000 XP
Pokémon Go Holiday Part 1 Timed Research step 2 of 3
- Catch 10 ice-/fire-type Pokémon (10 Pinap Berries)
- Take snapshots of 5 different type Pokémon (20 Poké Balls)
- Complete 5 Field Research Tasks (500 Stardust)
Rewards: Alolan/shadow Vulpix encounter, 2,000 XP
Pokémon Go Holiday Part 1 Timed Research step 3 of 3
- Catch 25 ice-/fire-type Pokémon (10 Ultra Balls)
- Power up ice-/fire-type Pokémon 10 times (1 Golden Razz Berry)
- Collect MP from 3 Power Spots (100 Max Particles)
Rewards: Sandygast encounter, 3,000 XP, 2,000 Stardust
Pokémon Go Holiday Part 1 Timed Research final step
- Claim reward! (2,500 XP)
Rewards: 2,500 Stardust
Pokémon Go Holiday Part 1’ event Collection Challenges
The following Collection Challenges will be live throughout the duration of the event:
Holiday Part 1 Collection Challenge: Ice to Meet You
- Catch a Cryogonal
- Catch a Swinub
- Catch a Bergmite
- Catch an Alolan Sandshrew
Rewards: 2,000 Stardust, 15 Great Balls
Holiday Part 1 Collection Challenge: Hot to Go
- Catch a Sandygast
- Catch a Darumaka
- Catch a Litleo
- Catch an Alolan Diglett
Rewards: 2,000 Stardust, 15 Great Balls
Holiday Part 1 Collection: Festive Friend
- Catch a Dedenne (holiday)
Rewards: 10 Poké Balls, 10 Great Balls
Pokémon Go ‘Holiday Part 1’ event Field Research and rewards
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Catch 10 Pokémon (Eevee [holiday hat] encounter)
- Catch 10 ground-type Pokémon (Sandygast encounter)
- Catch 15 fire-type Pokémon (Alolan Marowak encounter)
- Catch 20 ice-type Pokémon (Cryogonal encounter)
Pokémon Go ‘Holiday Part 1’ event boosted spawns
These Pokémon will spawn more frequently during the event period:
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Diglett
- Swinub
- Delibird (holiday ribbon)
- Numel
- Snover
- Darumaka
- Litleo
- Bergmite
- Sandygast
Pokémon Go ‘Holiday Part 1’ event egg hatches
These Pokémon have a chance to hatch from any 7 km eggs obtained during the event:
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Pichu (summer hat)
- Spheal (holiday scarf)
- Cubchoo (holiday ribbon)
- Amaura
- Charcadet
Pokémon Go ‘Holiday Part 1’ event raid targets
The following changes to the raid schedule and Max Battle schedule will take place as part of the event:
One-star raids | Three-star raids | Mega raids |
Pikachu (Winter Carnival) | Stantler (holiday) | Latias |
Psyduck (holiday) | Glaceon (undersea holiday) | Latios |
Dedenne (holiday) | Cryogonal | |
Sandygast |