In Palworld, you’ll need coal in order to make carbon fiber and refined metal, both of which are needed for essential technology such as high tier spheres and guns.
After reaching level 53, you can unlock a placeable mining site for coal in exchange for five Ancient Technology Points. The site costs quite a few materials to make (70 stone, 30 Paldium fragments, and 100 coal), so you will have to get your coal from one of the below places first. Once you make space for and place the dig site on your base, your mining Pals will be able to harvest a limitless supply of coal.
Read on to find out where to find coal in Palworld and some prime locations to mine the resource.
Where to find coal in Palworld
The easiest spot to obtain coal is the Twilight Dunes desert near the center of the map:
Search around the desert for large black rocks that are darker than your usual stone node and more monochromatic than your ore nodes.
Coal is mineable with any pickaxe, but a higher tier pickaxe like a metal pickaxe (15 stone, 20 wood, 5 ingots) will make the mining process a lot quicker.
There aren’t many teleport waypoints in the desert, so it can be a little tough to lug coal back and forth to your base. To combat that, here are a few prime locations to place a spare Palbox, so you can easily fast travel to your base.
You’ll also find coal scattered around Mount Obsidian, but that is a much more dangerous area.
Best locations for coal farming in Palworld
While Mount Obsidian has coal as well, we’re going to focus on the Twilight Dunes and Verdant Brook regions. They’re much safer and easier to places to build a coal farming base.
Coal locations in the Twilight Dunes
There are two locations in the desert that have five coal nodes close together, but don’t forget to wear your heat resistant armor during the day and your cold resistant armor at night.

The first location can be found at the coordinates (-157, -92). Be careful as the Alpha Pal boss Anubis can roam nearby.

The second location can be found at the coordinates (-97, -120). This location is on top of a rock formation, so it’s relatively safe from base raids.
Coal locations in the Verdant Brook
For both of the locations in the Verdant Brook, we recommend you get a flying mount or else you’ll need to do a ton of climbing.

The first, and probably best, location for finding coal can be found at the coordinates (189, -40). This location also has eight ore nodes, which will definitely help your sphere production.

The second location can be found at the coordinates (290, -20). Unfortunately, this location doesn’t have eight ore nodes directly next to the coal, but there are seven ore nodes just a short trek to the east.
Palworld coal recipes
Coal has a couple important uses for mid and late game. On its own, 2 coal and 2 ore create 1 refined ingot at an improved furnace (100 stone, 30 cement, 15 flame organs). Refined ingots are a better source of metal for your gear, but you’ll need to build a production assembly line (100 ingots, 50 wood, 20 nails, 10 cement) to make most things with them. They get used in things like:
- Rifle ammo — 1 refined ingot, 2 gunpowder
- Shotgun shells — 1 refined ingot, 3 gunpowder
- Refined metal armor — 30 refined ingots, 15 leather, 2 high quality cloth
- Refined metal pickaxe — 30 stone, 40 wood, 10 refined ingots
- Refined metal axe — 30 stone, 40 wood, 10 refined ingots
- Refined metal spear — 36 stone, 18 wood, 10 refined ingots
- Double-barreled shotgun — 30 refined ingots, 7 polymer
With the same production assembly line, you can also turn 2 coal into 1 carbon fiber. Carbon fiber gets used in things like:
- Giga glider — 20 refined ingots, 100 wood, 20 carbon fiber, 10 high quality cloth
- Legendary spheres — 10 paldium fragments, 5 Pal metal ingots, 3 carbon fiber, 5 cement
- Assault Rifle — 40 refined ingots, 10 polymer, 30 carbon fiber
For more Palworld guides, we’ve got you covered. If you’re just starting out, we’ve got a beginner’s guide, a list of all Pals, and a type chart. We also have explainers on breeding, eggs, and a rundown of how multiplayer works.
On the hunt for resources? Check out our guides on how to get ore, polymer, leather, sulfur, wheat seeds, pure quartz, Ancient Technology Points, and ancient civilization parts. For advanced players, consult our lists of all tower boss locations, all passive skills, all flying mounts, and the best base locations.