Heroes & Villains launches new lineup of Critical Role apparel

Published:2025-03-13T12:48 / Source:https://www.polygon.com/deals/538877/heroes-villains-critical-role-mighty-nein-apparel

The Mighty Nein, the other actual play series from Vox Machina creators Critical Role, doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. But, if you ever wanted to show off your love for The Mighty Nein, Heroes & Villains has just launched a new line of apparel inspired by the heroic adventurers of Wildemount. While I typically cringe at most nerd-branded apparel, I can’t deny the appeal of the punk aesthetic attached to this collection.

My personal favorite, the Mighty Nein Denim Work Jacket features a manga-inspired print of the excitable Tiefling Cleric, Jester Lavorre, fasted to the back with pyramid spikes. But if you’re in the market for something a little more understated, you might want to check out the Mighty Nein Logo Cardigan. A soft, striped, slouchy, button-up sweater that features an embroidered Mighty Nein Logo on the back. You can also find a series of “Tour” tee-shirts featuring animated portraits of The Mighty Nein, along with a list of locales they’ve visited.

