Pokémon Go Tour Pass rewards and how points work

Published:2025-02-24T13:09 / Source:https://www.polygon.com/pokemon-go-guide/528161/go-tour-pass-rewards-points-deluxe-worth-buying

Pokémon Go is trying something new: a battle pass-like progression system called the “Go Tour Pass.” The pass only lasts for a week, leading up and through the huge Go Tour: Unova event, but with the pass comes a ton of questions on how it works and if it’s worth buying the deluxe upgrade.

Below we explain how the Go Tour Pass works, if it’s worth upgrading to deluxe, and all the rewards you can get for completing the pass.

How does the Tour Pass work?

Functionally, this is kind of just a battle pass that many other games have. Every player gets the pass starting at Feb. 24 at 10 a.m. in your local time. You will have until March 2 at 6 p.m. in your local time to complete as much of the pass as possible.

You can earn Tour Pass points in two ways:

  • By catching Pokémon (5 points each), hatching eggs (10 points each), and catching Legendary Pokémon (50 points each)
  • Complete Pass Tasks (50 points per task, one per day for all users and two per day for Deluxe players)

Note that there is a cap to how many points you can earn per day. You can only earn 150 points per day using the above methods, in addition to 50 or 100 more points from completing the daily Pass Tasks that appear below the pass, depending if you have Deluxe or not.

This means that you can only earn 4-6 ranks per day until the Go Tour: Unova event. It’s likely that the cap will be expanded or even straight-up removed during the Go Tour: Unova event on March 1 and 2, where you’re supposed to amass most of the points for this pass, but this has not been confirmed by Niantic. There will be additional Pass Tasks every hour during the Go Tour event, but that’s all we know so far.

So is the Tour Pass worth upgrading to deluxe?

Maybe, but it depends on your playstyle and how you value items like fusion energy and XL candy.

The deluxe version of the Tour Pass does give a whole ton of stuff, including the following, in exchange for $15:

  • Victini encounter
  • Additional Poké Balls, Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Lure Modules, Incense, Lucky Eggs, and Star Pieces
  • The new Lucky Trinket item
  • Encounters with additional Pokémon like Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Sandile, Mienfoo, Pawniard, Vullaby, and Basculin
  • Up to 200 additional Blaze Fusion Energy and Volt Fusion Energy
  • XL candy for Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus
  • The “Kyurem Helmet” cosmetic item

$15 worth of PokéCoins is about 1,900 coins (give or take a few, since there’s no actual $15 coin bundle) if you buy them from the web store. If you total up the cost of the non-ball items you get from the pass, it’s at around 1,240 coins worth of upgrades — though this doesn’t include the Lucky Trinket, which is a new item and not purchasable in the store, and the cosmetic hat.

The value from this pass mainly comes from the idea of getting an item that allows you to be instant Lucky Friends with any trainer (the Lucky Trinket), the 200 additional Blaze and Volt Fusion Energy, and the XL candy. Obviously these things can’t be directly measured in coin value — it’s up to you if this is worth it.

The Victini encounter is also something maybe worthwhile, especially if you missed your chance to get a Victini before. Mythical Pokémon are always rarities, so if you like to collect them, this is a good opportunity to grab one.

Some folks have also datamined information that reveal that the shiny odds on the encounters are increased. The starters (Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott) are at a 1/20 chance and everything else is at a 1/64 chance. For some reason, the extra Basculin you can catch as part of the deluxe pass are also at a 1/20 shiny rate.

Outside of that, being able to rank up quicker thanks to the additional Pass Tasks every day will get you to the Tour Pass Bonuses faster at ranks 20, 60, and 80. These reward you with buffed up catch XP, which is always useful.

If you’re unsure, you can always progress in the pass first, then upgrade to deluxe on Sunday before it disappears if you’ve felt like you’ve gotten your fill of rewards. The rewards can be claimed retroactively, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. Note that if you do buy the pass later, you will miss out on the additional daily Pass Task (and thus one rank per day), but depending on how the points work on the day of the events, this may not matter too much.

Pokémon Go Tour Pass rewards list

Below, you can see all the rewards for both the basic and deluxe tracks of the Go Tour Pass. Note that from ranks 101-500, you get the same rewards: 50 Stardust for the basic reward and 100 Stardust for the deluxe reward.

RankBasic rewardDeluxe reward
1Go Tour 2025 TeeVictini encounter
25 Poké Balls25 Poké Balls
3Snivy encounterServine encounter
4Tepig encounterPignite encounter
5Oshawott encounterDewott encounter
65 Snivy Candy25 Snivy Candy XL
75 Tepig Candy25 Tepig Candy XL
85 Oshawott Candy25 Oshawott Candy XL
95 Snivy Candy25 Snivy Candy XL
105 Tepig Candy25 Tepig Candy XL
115 Oshawott Candy25 Oshawott Candy XL
121 Lure Module1 Lure Module
131 Incense1 Incense
14100 XP1 Incense
15100 XP1 Incense
16100 XP1 Incense
172 Reshiram Candy25 Reshiram Candy
182 Zekrom Candy25 Zekrom Candy
192 Kyurem Candy25 Kyurem Candy
20Tier 1 Tour Pass Bonus: 1.5x catch XP, 1.5x Freeze Shock/Ice Burn duration during Go Tour: Unova
215 Great Balls25 Great Balls
22Sandile encounterSandile encounter
23Mienfoo encounterMienfoo encounter
24Pawniard encounterPawniard encounter
25Vullaby encounterVullaby encounter
265 Great Balls25 Great Balls
275 Sandile CandySandile encounter
285 Mienfoo CandyMienfoo encounter
295 Pawniard CandyPawniard encounter
305 Vullaby CandyVullaby encounter
311 Star Piece1 Star Piece
321,000 Stardust1 Star Piece
331,000 Stardust1 Star Piece
341,000 Stardust1 Star Piece
351,000 Stardust1 Star Piece
361,000 Stardust1 Star Piece
372 Reshiram Candy5 Reshiram Candy XL
382 Zekrom Candy5 Zekrom Candy XL
392 Kyurem Candy5 Kyurem Candy XL
4010 Go Tour StickersKyurem Helmet
415 Great Balls25 Great Balls
425 Sandile CandySandile encounter
435 Mienfoo CandyMienfoo encounter
445 Pawniard CandyPawniard encounter
455 Vullaby CandyVullaby encounter
465 Great Balls25 Great Balls
475 Sandile CandySandile encounter
485 Mienfoo CandyMienfoo encounter
495 Pawniard CandyPawniard encounter
505 Vullaby CandyVullaby encounter
511 Lucky Egg1 Lucky Egg
521,000 XP1 Lucky Egg
531,000 XP1 Lucky Egg
541,000 XP1 Lucky Egg
551,000 XP1 Lucky Egg
561,000 XP1 Lucky Egg
572 Reshiram Candy5 Reshiram Candy XL
582 Zekrom Candy5 Zekrom Candy XL
592 Kyurem Candy5 Kyurem Candy XL
60Tier 2 Tour Pass Bonuses: 2x catch XP, 2x Freeze Shock/Ice Burn duration during Go Tour: Unova
615 Ultra Balls25 Ultra Balls
62Basculin (Blue Striped) encounterBasculin (Blue Striped) encounter
63Basculin (Red Striped) encounterBasculin (Red Striped) encounter
641,000 XP1 Lure Module
655 Ultra Balls25 Ultra Balls
66Basculin (Blue Striped) encounterBasculin (Blue Striped) encounter
67Basculin (Red Striped) encounterBasculin (Red Striped) encounter
681,000 XP1 Incense
695 Ultra Balls1 Star Piece
701,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
711,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
721,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
731,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
741,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
751,000 Stardust5,000 Stardust
7625 Volt Fusion Energy50 Volt Fusion Energy
7725 Blaze Fusion Energy50 Blaze Fusion Energy
7825 Volt Fusion Energy50 Volt Fusion Energy
7925 Blaze Fusion Energy50 Blaze Fusion Energy
80Tier 3 Tour Pass Bonuses: 3x catch XP, 3x Freeze Shock/Ice Burn duration during Go Tour: Unova
815 Cobalion Candy5 Cobalion Candy XL
825 Terrakion Candy5 Terrakion Candy XL
835 Virizion Candy5 Virizion Candy XL
845 Tornadus Candy5 Tornadus Candy XL
855 Thundurus Candy5 Thundurus Candy XL
865 Reshiram Candy5 Reshiram Candy XL
875 Zekrom Candy5 Zekrom Candy XL
885 Landorus Candy5 Landorus Candy XL
895 Kyurem Candy5 Kyurem Candy XL
905 Ultra Balls1 Lucky Egg
911,000 XP5,000 XP
921,000 XP5,000 XP
931,000 XP5,000 XP
9425 Volt Fusion Energy50 Volt Fusion Energy
9525 Blaze Fusion Energy50 Blaze Fusion Energy
9625 Volt Fusion Energy50 Volt Fusion Energy
9725 Blaze Fusion Energy50 Blaze Fusion Energy
98Woobat encounter5,000 XP
99Darmanitan encounter5,000 XP
100Zorua encounter1 Lucky Trinket
101+50 Stardust100 Stardust
