“Forced Perspective: Capturing the Thief” is one of the many random quests in Infinity Nikki that involves taking pictures from certain angles to trick the eye into seeing something that isn’t happening. The quest NPCs will tell you what you’re looking for, but it can be hard to line things up the correct way.
Below, we explain how to solve the “Forced Perspective: Capturing the Thief” random quest in Infinity Nikki.
‘Forced Perspective: Capturing the Thief’ solution
To solve this quest, you’ll need to take a picture of the wanted poster on the eastern side of the guard’s office in a way so it looks like it’s behind bars.
You can achieve this by just standing outside of the fence and taking a photo like so. You’ll know you got it right when the reticle hones in and turns gold on the target.

Once you snap the picture, show it to Toran to get 10 Diamonds and three Upgrade Packs. You’ll also automatically unlock the start of “Forced Perspective: Ship in a Bottle,” another one of these quests.
If you’re looking for more info about Infinity Nikki, here are guides to the “Kindled Inspiration: Camouflage” and “Kindled Inspiration: Natural Design” quests. We also have a beginner’s guide, a list of codes, and a guide noting where to unlock more clothes.