Monster Hunter Wilds allows you to deploy your Palico and have it join you on quests to aid you in battle.
Palicos are the adorable, bipedal cat companions of the Monster Hunter series. In Monster Hunter Wilds, you get to design a Palico that accompanies your hunter throughout their journeys (which you can change appearance later if you prefer) and is pretty much always by your side — unless you don’t want it to join you on quests.
This guide will explain how Palico deployment works and show you how to deploy and put your Palico in standby in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Palico deploy versus standby differences
Palicos are adorable cat-like NPC allies who support solo and duo hunters during monster fights.
Monster Hunter Wilds allows you to set the deployment status of your Palico and control whether or not your Palico joins you on quests and other assignments in the game.
If you set its deployment status to “standby,” your Palico will not join you on quests like monster fights. It will still gain experience from quests and assignments, even though it doesn’t join the fight. As to why you might want to select “standby”, perhaps you prefer to fight solo and want to aggro the monsters entirely on you, or prefer a greater solo challenge.
If you set its deployment status to “deploy,” it will join you as you undertake quests and other assignments — essentially acting like a co-op partner. Note that if you have a co-op party with more than two hunters, everyone’s Palicos will be automatically undeployed until the end of the quest.
How to deploy or standby your Palico in Monster Hunter Wilds

To change the deployment status of your Palico in Monster Hunter Wilds, start by going to any tent and walking inside it. Once there, tab over to the “Palico Menu” and select the option that says, “Palico Deployment Status.” From there, you can choose if you want to deploy your Palico (and take it on hunts) or put it on standby to stop it from joining you.
If the ‘deploy’ option is blanked out and unable to be selected, than that means it’s already deployed and will come with you into battle.
To also help you understand Monster Hunter Wilds further, we explain how to change weapons, provide some Seikret tips, and how fishing, cooking, and layered armor works.